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9 Ways

nine ways we'll Work to grow bicycling and your business












Aligning Around Our Vision

All of our work in 2022 and beyond will be centered around our new PeopleForBikes vision. Beginning with our core purpose — to make life great — we’re dreaming bigger and planning better to achieve our big, hairy, audacious goal: to be the best bicycling nation in the world.


Bicycle Leadership Education Series

Our Bicycle Leadership Series of industry education and networking events will be a cornerstone of our work in 2022. Including the return of our in-person Bicycle Leadership Conferences in Dana Point, California and Bentonville, Arkansas.


Electric Bicycle Access and Purchase Incentives

Building on the inclusion of the E-BIKE Act in the broader $1.75 trillion Build Back Better legislation, we will support the adoption of state and local electric bicycle purchase incentive programs. Our lobby team will also introduce model, three-class electric bicycle legislation in seven states (AL, MA, RI, KS, PA, NM and DE), with the goal of reaching 43 states with model legislation by the end of the year.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our commitment to making the bicycling community, industry and advocacy more diverse, equitable and inclusive (DEI) will continue through ongoing education efforts, outreach and our DEI Subcommittee’s three action tracks: marketing and communications to diverse audiences, tactical approaches for DEI implementation in your organization and internal DEI education and anti-bias trainings.


Climate-Focused Initiatives

Building on our One Ride at a Time campaign and the efforts of our Sustainability Working Group, in 2022 we will continue to position the bike as a simple solution to climate change across our programs. A major initiative will be the launch of our industrywide electric bicycle battery recycling program — the first of its kind in the transportation sector.


Proactive Trade Agenda

As the U.S. bicycle industry’s trade association, we will continue to push for a renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and passage of the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) in Congress, and continue to aggressively lobby for Section 301 tariff relief.


Expanded Data and Consumer Insights

We will establish PeopleForBikes as the ultimate data source for the bicycle industry and community by building on our current research products and producing new data points with a focus on participation data, sales data and market research.


Ride Spot Challenges

Our focus will continue to be getting individuals riding and keeping them riding through our industrywide Ride Spot Challenges. We will also work alongside key partners in corporate America to establish bike benefits programs that incentivize more employees to ride and show employers the returns from a company that bikes.


Expanded City Ratings Program

For 2022, City Ratings will be reimagined to a broader campaign inspiring cities to become one of the "Best Places to Bike." Expanded video and educational content will help cities map out a pro-bike future.

Sign Up for BLC 2022 in Bentonville

PeopleForBikes Bicycle Leadership Conference in Bentonville, AR in October 2022PeopleForBikes Bicycle Leadership Conference in Bentonville, AR in October 2022
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2022 Year Ahead


HOW we'll Do IT